Three cats went home this weekend and two already came back. As I said in the title...this week has been back and forth for poor Spider and Wally. Wally was adopted on Saturday and went home. He was going to live with another de-clawed cat who had been adopted from us two years ago. Well, Wally's new roommate wanted nothing to do with him and made it clear! Poor Wally was back at PetSmart before the adoption table even closed on Saturday.
Spider went home on Sunday and came back to PetSmart today. He was going to live with another cat adopted from us a few years ago also. This time it was Spider who was not crazy about living with the other cat. Each day he appeared to get more and more upset when faced with his new roommate. Also, there was a Jack Russel who came over often to visit and Spider did not like him either. So...Spider came back today. looks like Wally will be going where Spider just came from. Initially the couple was interested in Wally but when they came to put a hold on him he was gone. They decided on Spider. They feel Wally was meant to be with them all along. Let's hope this true!!! They plan to pick up Big Wally tomorrow night.
During all this drama Shaina made a very quiet, uneventful exit - thank God! She left on Sunday and will be the only cat in the household. Her new dad seems to understand her personality and it looks like a good match. (Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the big girl so can not feature her to the right! I decided to just leave our girl Peaches for another week or so!)
You guys are gonna love our newest arrival - Booger! He is so cute and so friendly and fun! He is less than a year old and as the name implies - he's a little booger!! He was surrendered to the Shelter so came to us with that name. We decided to keep it (much to the dismay of some of the staff) because it seems to'll see!! Meet Booger:
Below is the dates still open in April. You know the drill...let me know if you can cover any of the openings:
April 1, Thursday, AM
April 4, Sunday, AM
April 11, Sunday, PM or Adoption Table
April 12, Monday, PM
April 22, Thursday, AM
April 25, Sunday, PM or Adoption Table
April 29, Thursday, AM
A new stock of the smaller clear litter pans was brought to the store today.
The next adoption event at PetSmart is Friday through Sunday, April 30-May 2 so please mark your calendars. As always I am hoping to be able to extend the hours on the adoption table and bring dogs to the store.