Monday, October 16, 2006

Ginger, Tangare & Pepper

The family who were to pick up Ginger Wednesday decided they did not want a cat after all. Luckily we had someone waiting in the wings who had already adopted Merangue last week. The adoption was quickly approved and Ginger got to go home on Saturday. Pepper and Tangare went home on Sunday. Tracey R said Pepper's new owner could not have been more excited and that Tangare did not hesitate to walk into the carrier of her new owner. How great is that! Also, there are holds on both Pierce and Major. If the adoptions are approved they should leave Wednesday night or Saturday afternoon. I am planning to bring some new kitties to PetSmart on Tuesday.

The Shelter does have three of the Himalayan and Persian cats you may have read about in the paper last week. The phones have been ringing off the hook concerning these guys so soon they will be home too.

October's schedule is complete with the exception of Sunday, October 29. Please let me know if you can do the adoption table or even just the evening cleaning that day. Also, look at November and let me know what you can do.

Rolls of the brown paper used to line the cages is kept in the managers' office. If you see you are running low just ask and they will bring you a new roll.